I have a dream
I want to share because I feel, I know there is somebody out there who could help make this dream come true.
I dream of a house; Aloha House; Huna & Massage Temple; Beautiful space for people their bodies, minds, and spirit; Where we could share the knowledge of HUNA and magic of Lomi Lomi. A house where we could meet, have workshops, and much more. I see a house full of Aloha, full of joy and bliss, open for everybody who needs time and space to FEEL and to BE; A house where people remember that they are the light, feel their wholeness, beauty, creativity, and connection with nature; A house with healing Aotearoa nature right outside the window.
I see this house in my dreams. I travel there from time to time. I imagine it waiting somewhere there, ready to become the Aloha House.
We can realize this dream together
Do you feel the same? Do you see that too? If you have a house, maybe a summerhouse … a house somewhere outside town… so, if you have the house that wants to become Aloha House, or if you know somebody who could help to find the house – please, let me know.