More gain if no pain. Lomi Lomi Nui & deep tissue massage

There are many misunderstandings around Lom Lomi massage. Many believe that this is very gentle, soft, flowing, nice touch, and… nothing more. Sometimes even Lomi Lomi is mistakenly taken as erotic massage. That’s all wrong. Lomi Lomi, and especially Lomi Lomi Nui, the modality I teach and give my clients, is full body massage. Lomi Lomi touches not only our body but also touches our emotions, minds, and soul as well. But back to the body, Lomi Lomi goes deep into the muscle, all the way to the bones. This massage is designed to effortlessly reach deep tensions in our muscles and joints, and release them, but in a gentle way, without pain. It focuses on the surface of the skin as well as on the deeper layers of muscles.

Many people believe that deep tissue massage has to be a hard and painful treatment when it actually can be very gentle and relaxing. Deep is not the same as hard. Working with the tissue rather than on the tissue is paramount. Deep tissue work is archived by sinking down through the varying layers of not only muscles until we reach the level we intend to treat. But this sinking down is far removed from aggressive, brutal manhandling of the body. It comes with listening and nurturing touch, respect, taking time, intuitive tuning into the body.

During the session of Lomi Lom, tensions in the body are released and the balance is restored causing the feeling of relaxation. And that’s exactly how you should feel after any massage which includes deep tissue work. Deep tissue massage, like Lomi, is not painful, at least should not be painful. Still, some believe that the more you suffer on the massage table, and the more bruises you have after, the better the deal. But the truth is, more gain if no pain.

The emotional benefits of Lomi Lomi Nui

The emotional balance the Lomi Lomi Nui provides can be just as vital and valuable as its physical benefits.

Do you know, that more than 90 percent of illness results from stress alone?

Decreasing physical and emotional stress is important for improving our health and well-being. A 90-minutes Lomi Lomi Nui session can lower cortisol, a hormone that’s produced in response to stress, by an average of 30 percent. When cortisol levels decline, serotonin — one of the body’s anti-pain mechanisms — increases by an average of 28 percent. By lowering cortisol and increasing serotonin, you’re boosting your body’s ability to fight off pain, anxiety, feelings of sadness, and depression.

This Hawaiian massage provides a safe and nurturing place for individuals to relax, refocus, and find clarity. It increases awareness of the mind-body connection, and generates confidence, and enhances self-image and self-worth. Safe nurturing touch helps fulfill the need for human contacts, such as the comforting touch we once received at birth.

For some, massage is the only caring touch they may receive. Lomi Lomi Nui can be considered as a 1.5 or 2 hour-long hug, providing you with a nurturing safe place to rest physically and emotionally.

I provide Lomi Lomi Nui massage for many clients who are living with anxiety and depression, and the day-to-day symptoms those feelings bring. Every one of them finds relief after receiving a 1.5h or 2h massage session of Lomi Lomi Nui, saying they feel more relaxed, calm, and feel a sense of worth. I listen to my clients’ needs, and together, we create a treatment plan that works toward decreasing the symptoms that come with anxiety and depression.

If you are one of the many who experience depression or anxiety or are just overloaded with stress, Lomi Lomi Nui can be an effective part of treatment supporting you to create a sense of relief, empowerment, and the mind-body connection.

When your body, mind, and emotions are in balance, then your
MANA – life-giving energy flows freely and you are able to solve your problems and difficult situations with ease; You become more optimistic, joyful, and ready to act; You just come back to your natural state of well-being, the ALOHA state’

The body listener and storyteller

Whole my life I have a problem answering one of the most frequently asked questions ‘What do you do?’ For the first half of my life, I tried to explain what is ‘movie marketing’, and now it seems to be even worse. How to explain what is Hawaiian massage called Lomi Lomi Nui?

Everything changed when a few days ago the five-year-old daughter of my friend asked me 3 questions we usually ask meeting someone new:
1. ‘What’s your name?’
2. ‘Where are you from?’
and 3. ‘What do you do?

The first and second one was easy. ‘My name is Izabella and I come from Poland, which is far away from here.’ I answered, but the third one…

‘I’m a body listener and storyteller, but instead of listening by my ears and telling stories with my mouth I use my hands.’ I responded spontaneously surprising myself. ‘How so?’ She asked me with wide eyes in surprise.

‘Someone comes to me, we chat a while, sometimes we drink delicious herbal tea, and after that, she or he lays on my massage table. The table is pleasantly warm, even during the winter season, and it is very comfy.’ I started, giving myself some time to think about how to develop it further.

‘This table is like a bed? And then, what? How do you listen and tell stories to the body? What are these stories?’ – She asked one question after another.

‘Yes, my massage table in a way is like a bed’ – I answer the easiest question giving my self some to think about the rest of them, and after a while, I continued:

‘When this person is laying comfortably on my massage table, I take a big breath, and close my eyes.’ I said and added: ‘It’s easier to feel when eyes don’t disturb you.’

‘Aha’ – she said with a deep understanding and continued listening to my further explanations.

‘I touch the body, very gently at the beginning – it’s like saying ‘Hello! It’s nice to meet you. How are you doing today?’ And it’s all without a single word, using hands only. And then the body begins to tell its stories. My hands listen carefully, moving smoothly around the body; Head tells me its own story, then neck, spine, stomach, both legs, and hands, even the smallest finger.

‘Ah … what are the stories?’ she inquired.

‘These are very different stories. Some of them are pleasant even funny, but there are also unpleasant stories about fatigue, helplessness, full of anger, grief or sometimes deep sadness’ I said, and continued’ ‘You know, when you experience something nice, for example, a warm day on the beach with lots of fun, your body will remember it, and this pleasant memory will cause a relaxed and nice feeling in your body. Otherwise, when you experience something unpleasant, for example, farewell with your best friend, and sadness because of that – your body also will remember it, but it will cause some discomfort in your body. Some parts of the body or the whole body may become tense, stiff, or even painful. Have you ever notice that? When you are sad or angry, have you noticed some unpleasant feelings in your belly too?

‘hmm, sometimes it happens‘ she said and became sad.

‘You see? And our body remembers all these stories and collect them in our belly and also in our muscles, bones… Pleasant stories cause relaxation and nice feelings but these unpleasant ones, well, after some time they might cause some problems, bigger pain and sometimes even diseases.’ I said. She nodded understandingly, looking sad again, and asked me

‘Can we not ‘remember’ these unpleasant stories, or forget them?’ I was really surprised at her deep level of understanding of my explanation and after a while of reflection, I answered

‘When our body tells all these unpleasant stories, then it doesn’t have to remember them anymore.’ I said.

‘Oh, I understand now, and you listen to these unpleasant stories. And then the body can forget them and not get sick, right? – she said enthusiastically.

‘That’s right’ – I said and admitted ‘Sometimes there are too many of them at once and I invite this person to visit me again.’

‘And now tell me about the stories you tell to the body’ – she said pointing at me.

‘OK’- I said, sighing with relief, and thought ‘This should go easier’.

‘I only tell nice stories.’

“Like the bedtime stories my mommy tells me?’

‘Maybe a bit, although probably in my stories happens less.’ I answered, smiled, and continued.

‘Just like you fall asleep listening to your mum’s story, the same happens with the person lying on my massage table. She or he relaxes and falls asleep listening to my handmade storytelling; Sometimes I even hear slight snoring.’ – She giggled joyfully, and in a moment she continued her inquisitive questions.

‘What your stories are about?’

‘There are lots of stories. One of them is about a sunny day on a white sandy beach. White fluffy clouds flow across the blue sky, and ocean waves gently touch the sand. Tall coconut trees move smoothly against the blue sky…’

‘Coconut trees don’t grow on the beach.’ – she said very seriously.

‘In Hawaii islands, where these stories come from, they grow’ – I replied slightly mocking her.

‘Hawaii islands?’ – she asked with curiosity.

‘Yes, stories, I tell, originally come from Hawaii, the islands in the Pacific Ocean. They are like New Zealand but slightly smaller. And all these stories are really about the same, our true nature. Hawaiians call it the Aloha state. And these stories bring relaxation and peace to the body and remind the body how to feel truly happy and healthy. Our body sometimes forgets it, especially when it remembers more unpleasant than pleasant stories, you know…?’ It was probably too much and too boring for her, so she briefly said

‘Oh …’ and ran to play with her brother. She did it so quickly so I couldn’t tell her ‘I’m grateful for your inquisitive questions! Thanks to you I finally understood what this is all about and what I really do.

’ And from now on, when someone asks me “What do you do? I have a great answer: ‘I am a body listener and storyteller, but I use my hands instead of ears and mouth.’ 😀

How often should you receive Lomi Lomi Nui for the best results?

People come to me for a massage session once a week, once a month, and sometimes even once in a lifetime. Many of you  asked me after the Lomi Lomi  session: ‘when should I come next time?’ And my answer was: it depends on your individual needs and your expectations of the result. My advice is first of all – listen to your body and follow what it needs.
If you are connected to your body, you will just feel it, your body will tell You.
If you feel that connection is missing or is not enough and you would like to deepen it, then my advice is to do 2-3 sessions not too long apart (weekly or fortnightly) and see how it works for you.

My own experience tells me that it is a deeply healing and life-transforming experience is getting Lomi Lomi Nui two-three times in the same week (miracles happen then, believe me).

Lots of my clients experience durable positive effects for their physical and mental conditions receiving 4-5 sessions in a row in a month or two (eg. neck or lower back pain, insomnia, lower lowered self-esteem, panic attacks, eating disorders, and bowel conditions…)

But ultimately, it is always You and your wise body that knows.
I have tremendous respect for body wisdom. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to trust that wisdom, to listen to what our bodies want to tell us. Our bodies whisper to us all the time. And it’s really wise to listen to its whispers so that you do not have to hear its screams.

I have been thinking of those of you who feel need a more regular Lomi Lomi Nui experience.  I’d like to make it more affordable for You.

If you become one of my regulars and visit me at least once every 2 weeks – the price for You will be $180 for 2h session and $140 for 1.5 h session

Contact me if you feel the call to get an even more frequent  Lomi Lomi Nui experience, but struggling financially – I am sure that we will find the right solution.

|And whatever You do – just always follow these whispers of your wise body.

How to explain what kind of touch Lomi Lomi Nui is ?


Today I am with this question: how to explain what kind of touch Lomi Lomi Nui is, to somebody who has never experienced it?

I get many asking for massage sessions, and I always try to find the best words to describe what kind of massage they can expect. But it´s not easy. I do my best to talk about touch, but to talk about it will always be… “the finger that points the moon, not the moon itself”.

I will try, however…
Lomi Lomi Nui is both very gentle and very deep. It is soft and flowing, but it also goes deep into muscles. It is relaxing and not painful, but at the same time, it´s efficient and effective. It´s this kind of touch that is loving, mindful, and caring, and at the same time melts all your tensions, without being violent.

Some of my friends said that it´s like doing yoga, but better because you don´t have to do anything.

And the other day I heard from my client, that it was very soft but the body felt like after a good gym training.

Make an appointment for your Lomi Lomi Nui session and experience this amazing massage yourself!

Stop trying to relax and just allow that

Have you ever tried to relax? If you have, then you probably know that the more you try to relax, the more stressed you become.

Relaxation starts when we stop trying –  stop trying to quiet our mind, stop trying not to think, So, stop trying and just be as you are, with your tensed body, with your mind full of thoughts, stories, and fantasies. You are good enough the way you are here and now. Then Lomi Lomi can be a very relaxing experience.

Sometimes I tell my clients at the beginning of a Lomi Lomi session – you don´t have to do anything. Don´t try to relax. Don´t even try to stop trying now. The only thing you have to do is breathing, otherwise, you´ll die. But even with that, you don´t need to breathe it in any special way, just let your body do it as it wants.

Just like that. Stop trying to relax. Stop trying and just allow that.

Aloha House – announcement to the Universe

I have a dream

I want to share because I feel, I know there is somebody out there who could help make this dream come true.

I dream of a house; Aloha House; Huna & Massage Temple; Beautiful space for people their bodies, minds, and spirit; Where we could share the knowledge of HUNA and magic of Lomi Lomi. A house where we could meet, have workshops, and much more. I see a house full of Aloha, full of joy and bliss, open for everybody who needs time and space to FEEL and to BE; A house where people remember that they are the light, feel their wholeness, beauty, creativity, and connection with nature; A house with healing Aotearoa nature right outside the window.

I see this house in my dreams. I travel there from time to time. I imagine it waiting somewhere there, ready to become the Aloha House.

We can realize this dream together

Do you feel the same? Do you see that too? If you have a house, maybe a summerhouse … a house somewhere outside town… so, if you have the house that wants to become Aloha House, or if you know somebody who could help to find the house – please, let me know.